• 080-29524005 6361849336
  • sfsschoolinfo@gmail.com sfspublicschool.in

Vision & Mission

Our Motto

Knowledge, Love and Service
SFS Public School, the educational community, aims at impartinghigh-qualityeducation, to prepare the young for opportunities forlife in the fast-advancingtechnological society. The primary focusof this academic fraternity is on Knowledge,Excellence, Love andService.

“Education of the heart is the heart of education.”
Fr. Peter Marie Mermier (Our Founder)

Our Vision

Moving with Guiding Principles
Creating excellence in education and making students capable ofcontributing to society’s improvement is the vision which guides our work.Students will be spiritually formed, professionally skilled, sociallycommitted andculturally integrated individuals, based on the values livedand taught by Jesus Christ and followed by St. Francis de Sales.

Our Mission

Living Resourcefully
Providing a conducive atmosphere for excellent learning, facilitatingspiritualformation along with leadership training, professional ethics,sports, work experience,environmental awareness and compassionatefellowship, and thus equipping theyounger generation to becomebuilders of our nation.